Comments are a vital way of interacting with your website’s visitors. Visitors have the opportunity to leave comments on posts and pages on your website. Your site’s visitors are the key to the success of your website and managing comments is a great way to make said visitors feel that their opinions on your site and their ideas are being taken seriously.
In this article we will show you how to easely manage comments on your WordPress and make it easyer for your visitors to share their Ideas.
Aprove Comments
Depending on your settings, you may need to approve comments before they can be visible on your site.
If you look to your side you will see the comments tab. Usually this tab has a number in red on its side. Also, if you look at the top to your admin bar, you will see a message icon which also has a number to it. This number represents the number of comments that are pending.
Click on either of these options to go to the comments page.
The comments section
On the comments page, you will be able to see all the comments that have been made by your visitors on your site. These can be pending or ones that you have approved. You can filter pending and approved by clicking on the top options with the same name.
To approve a comment, you simply hover over the said comment and click approve. An approved comment will be visible on your website. You can always un-approve a comment by clicking un-approve.
The comments page also allows you to reply to any comment that you see fit to do so. Hit reply, type in your response and then click on the reply button at the bottom right corner of the reply box.
Spamming and Deleting
Many comments may not be to your liking, or the may be rude ones or they can simply be spam made by bots or people that want to advertise their business or product and want to use your comments section. Whatever the case, you can delete or set these comments as spam.
To designate a comment as spam, you just hover your mouse on the desired comment and click the spam option that appears. Setting a comment as spam will place the comment on the corresponding filter located at the top of the page. A spammed comment means that comments from that particular user will always be moved to the spammed section, untill you decide otherwise.
You can also delete a comment. To delete a comment, you hover on the desired comment and click the trash option. Clicking on the trash option will delete the comment. The deleted comment is not permanently removed. Once you click trash, the comment moves to the trash filter. You can click the trash filter at the top of the page to open the comment.
The difference between a deleted comment and a spammed comment, is that all of the comments from the user whose comment was spammed will be moved to the spammed filter. However, a user of a deleted comment will still have their comments show up on your comments page and not in the trash filter.
Editing the comment
You also have at your disposal an option to change any aspect of a comment. This can be done by clicking the edit option. The edit option is revealed when you hover over a comment. When you click edit you will be taken to the editing section. From the editing section you can change a part or all of the comment.
Edit allows you to change the authors information, the comment itself or the comment’s status (approved, pending etc). This is helpful if you want to trim unwanted language from a specific comment.
After you have made edits and are satisfied with them, click update on the right. Furthermore, if you are not satisfied with the comment, you can move it to the trash via move to trash option.
When a comment is in the trash filter, you can still restore it. To restore a comment click on the trash filter then hover over the comment. When you hover over the comment, two options will appear. One option will be to restore the comment and the other to permanently delete it.
Dashboard comments
Another quick way to manage your comments is from the Dashboard on your WordPress. Click Dashboar at the top of your admin bar. If you look near the bottom of the Dashboar you should see the recent comments section. If you do not see this section then scroll down a bit.
In the comments section on your Dashboard, you will be able to manage the most recent comments on your site. Simply hover your cursor on one of them to show the options for it.
Be advised however that only the most recent comments will show up here. If you wish to manage older comments, then you have to enter the comments section.
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